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- █████ The Arsenal Files 7
- █████ Area: Quake Game Add-Ons
- █████ Path: \QUAKE
- ADUNPACK.ZIP 54257 06-30-96 Quake: - The Adequate Unpacker by SoftSquid
- | Interactive This is a utility for unpacking
- | the large pak files that Quake uses to store
- | its data in, like levels sounds and monsters.
- ALIEN.ZIP 59920 07-14-96 Quake: - ALIEN XENOMORPH (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- BIGQUAKL.ZIP 52364 06-29-96 Quake: - JPG File ...
- CUREMODE.ZIP 273333 07-07-96 Quake: new mdl
- DALAXE.ZIP 624351 07-07-96 Quake: - Axe! - Quake demo series by Dalias
- DAN1.ZIP 125920 07-12-96 Quake: - This is how I complete E1M1
- DM1.ZIP 27904 07-07-96 Quake: - test1 from the qtest release
- E1M1DEMO.ZIP 331295 07-06-96 Quake DEMO recording of E1M1 - The Slipgate
- | Complex - Nightmare mode - 100% Kills - 100%
- | Secrets ...AXE ONlY!....
- E1M2SMAK.ZIP 877893 07-14-96 Quake DEMO recording of E1M2 - Castle of the
- | Damned Nightmare mode 100% Kills 100% Secrets
- | ...AXE ONlY!...
- EDQ00102.ZIP 86299 07-07-96 Quake: - Edquake v0.01b Release 02 (June
- | 30,1996)
- FLOODDEM.ZIP 55741 07-14-96 Quake: - 2 PLAYER DEMO - Put it in your id1
- | directory, go into the console and type
- | playdemo flood1 you must have FLOODTEL for
- | this to play. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- FLOODTEL.ZIP 4516 07-14-96 Quake: - AddOn for FLOODDEM (- TGM-UtiL
- | v0.660 -)
- FONTI.ZIP 6655 07-23-96 Quake: - Fonti (don't ask...) A small Quake
- | deathmatch level from scratch.
- GRAV1.ZIP 2136 07-13-96 Eric's Quake Gravity Script v1.0 Change the
- | gravity in the level made easy! Up to 1600
- | gravity and to low as 25 - O - More gravity -
- | P - less gravity - INS-Highest Gravity -
- | HOME-Normal gravity - PGUP- Lowest gravity To
- | install, just put grav1.scr in
- JRBASE1.ZIP 67880 07-14-96 Quake: - e1m1 shareware release. (- TGM-UtiL
- | v0.660 -)
- MAP01Q.ZIP 41631 07-14-96 Quake: - DOOM2's MAP01 for Quake (- TGM-UtiL
- | v0.660 -)
- MDLV13.ZIP 153522 07-14-96 MedDLe v1.3 by brian martin MedDLe is a QUAKE
- | MDL file editor/viewer. The MDL files hold
- | all 3D object texture and animation
- | information. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- MK_WAD2.ZIP 21695 06-30-96 Quake: - Shareware Quake Texture WAD2 Builder
- | Version 1.00
- MODEMQ.ZIP 1368 07-14-96 How to play Modem Quake (without stuff ups)
- | (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- NEWDEMOS.ZIP 136344 07-13-96 Quake: - three new demos /-\ 3 new demos to
- | replace the somewhat crap ones come with
- | Quake. All on Nightmare and all kill the
- | player! Boo haa ha! \-/
- NICEDEMO.ZIP 52379 07-13-96 Quake: - PLAYDEMO nicedemo.dem
- NICEKEYS.ZIP 1612 07-13-96 Quake: - Here are some usefull bindings,
- | alias's and macros
- OBST051.ZIP 88079 07-14-96 Quake: - solve E1M7
- PAK2WAD.ZIP 20660 06-30-96 Quake: - PAK2WAD - Converts all textures
- | within a PACK to a WAD2 written by Brian
- | Curnow, bcurnow@sonnet.com
- PAKIEV04.ZIP 53922 07-14-96 Quake: - Pakie v0.04 (PAK Import/Export by
- | Herschel Giansiracusa) Pakie is a .PAK file
- | editor. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- QBIGBOSS.ZIP 94162 07-14-96 Quake: - Quake Big Fat Ugly Boss Destroyed!!
- QBRGEN1.ZIP 8970 07-14-96 Quake Brush Generator 1.00 By Niklata
- | (nichd@norfolk.infi.net) - Here it is - the
- | first Quake editing tool (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- QBSP_NT.ZIP 202010 07-11-96 Quake: - QBSP Utilities compiled for Windows
- | NT.
- QBSP_P.ZIP 130180 07-11-96 Quake: - QBSP Utilities compiled for Pentium
- QBSP_PRO.ZIP 130202 07-11-96 Quake: - QBSP Utilities compiled for Pentium
- | Pro
- QCC15.ZIP 65498 08-24-96 Quake Control Center v1.5 (Quake Front End)
- | The Quake Control Center is a FANTASTIC
- | warp-based front end for the 3D action game
- | Quake from id Software. It allows you to
- | select many, many options not directly
- | supported by Quake, and it does so using an
- | intuitive, mouse-driven interface. For
- | instance, you can warp to any level in the
- | game with any
- QCHUNKS.ZIP 4611 07-14-96 Quake: - QChunks level My first attempt at a
- | quake level. Yes I am too lazy to use more
- | than 5 textures. ID Software, for Quake
- | Dalias, for making Tele-X, which I used to
- | figure out how to do this. Carmack for
- | releasing the BSP stuff.
- QCONN_99.ZIP 28070 07-06-96 Quake: - Qconnect .99 (c) Copyright Sean
- | Allen and Enigma Software Qconnect is a
- | Windows 95/NT character based program that
- | lists active Quake servers and lets you
- | quickly connect to them. I wrote the program
- | after becoming tired of scramblin to write
- | down an IP address and losing it among the
- | 1000 others or so I've already written down,
- | starting Quake, typing the IP address only to
- | find the server full. After
- QCONV10.ZIP 15764 07-15-96 [ PsY<h0 ] QUAKE CONVERTER 1.0 GM CoNvErtS Da
- | QuAke R MDL FiLeS IntO ThE 3D-StudIo-AsCIi n
- | FoRmAt !!
- QCURSORS.ZIP 6838 07-11-96 Quake: - Yet another set of animated Quake
- | Cursors for Win95 by Jeff Buckland
- QD091.ZIP 53171 06-30-96 Quake: - Modem FAQ and QD! Quake
- | Dialer/Termial! version 0.91
- QEDE.ZIP 8006 06-30-96 Quake Editor Demon Edition. Qede is a simple
- | Quake Hacker, it hacks your save games and
- | allows you to have God Mode, Full ammo, All
- | the weapons etc..
- QGRAPH.ZIP 409893 06-30-96 Quake: - some pictures
- QIN6.ZIP 429130 07-14-96 How to beat quake in under 6 minutes I beat
- | quake in under 6 minutes (excluding e1m4,
- | which for some reason wont record in quake).
- | These demos were played on the easy skill
- | level, and secrets were purposly skipped,
- | just to show you how to complete each level.
- | Have fun. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- QK102.ZIP 6180 07-13-96 Quake: - Quake102 new level (- TGM-UtiL
- | v0.660 -)
- QKEPPP20.ZIP 426406 06-30-96 Quake: - QUAKEPPP v2.0 Running QUAKE NETWORK
- | GAMES over a PPP Connection
- QMAPFMT.ZIP 2499 07-14-96 Quake: - This is a quick-and-dirty
- | indenter/formatter for Quake .map files.
- | You'll need a C compiler and lex or flex to
- | compile this. Copy, redistribute and alter
- | freely. No warranty. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- QSPY.ZIP 14246 07-14-96 Quake Spy 1.0 - find server This program was
- | born out of a desire to quickly find a
- | playable Quake server. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- QSTAT1_3.ZIP 33413 07-05-96 Quake: - qstat - Get statistics from Quake
- | servers
- QSW101_1.ZIP 1434575 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. If
- | you don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone who
- | owns a computer. If you do know what QUAKE
- | is, why are you reading this? Go play the
- | game, for crying out loud! Supports multiple
- | players via modem or network, in either
- | cooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.
- | Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:
- | the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 1
- | of 7
- QSW101_2.ZIP 1434118 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. If
- | you don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone who
- | owns a computer. If you do know what QUAKE
- | is, why are you reading this? Go play the
- | game, for crying out loud! Supports multiple
- | players via modem or network, in either
- | cooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.
- | Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:
- | the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 2
- | of 7
- QSW101_3.ZIP 1430151 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. If
- | you don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone who
- | owns a computer. If you do know what QUAKE
- | is, why are you reading this? Go play the
- | game, for crying out loud! Supports multiple
- | players via modem or network, in either
- | cooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.
- | Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:
- | the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 3
- | of 7
- QSW101_4.ZIP 1428802 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. If
- | you don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone who
- | owns a computer. If you do know what QUAKE
- | is, why are you reading this? Go play the
- | game, for crying out loud! Supports multiple
- | players via modem or network, in either
- | cooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.
- | Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:
- | the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 4
- | of 7
- QSW101_5.ZIP 1429787 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. If
- | you don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone who
- | owns a computer. If you do know what QUAKE
- | is, why are you reading this? Go play the
- | game, for crying out loud! Supports multiple
- | players via modem or network, in either
- | cooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.
- | Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:
- | the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 5
- | of 7
- QSW101_6.ZIP 1429266 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. If
- | you don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone who
- | owns a computer. If you do know what QUAKE
- | is, why are you reading this? Go play the
- | game, for crying out loud! Supports multiple
- | players via modem or network, in either
- | cooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.
- | Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:
- | the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 6
- | of 7
- QSW101_7.ZIP 402924 07-12-96 QUAKE v1.01 - Shareware - id Software Inc. If
- | you don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone who
- | owns a computer. If you do know what QUAKE
- | is, why are you reading this? Go play the
- | game, for crying out loud! Supports multiple
- | players via modem or network, in either
- | cooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode.
- | Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE:
- | the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 7
- | of 7
- QU091_CH.ZIP 1327 06-26-96 Quake: SW 0.91 cheats
- QUAKE3.TXT 1117 07-20-96 More Quake Codes
- QUAKE92P.ZIP 406987 06-25-96 Patch shareware QUAKE from .91 to .92
- QUAKEANI.ZIP 4035 07-06-96 Quake: - TWo 256 CoLoRZ ANiMATED CURSoRS 4
- | THiNK iT'S CooL.
- QUAKECUR.ZIP 2275 07-06-96 Quake: - A 256 CoLoRZ CURSoR 4 QUAKE MADE BY
- | sh4d. PLEEZE EMAiL ME iF U THiNK iT'S CooL
- | ACTION PACKED Created by Matt Seabrook
- | QUAKED1.* - DEMOS 4 - 6 QUAKED2.* - DEMOS 7 -
- | 9 * NOTES Just a few demos that I recorded
- QUAKEDD2.ZIP 662528 07-14-96 QUAkE DEMOS - ACTION PACKED 2/2 (- TGM-UtiL
- | v0.660 -)
- QUAKEEXP.ZIP 2522765 07-13-96 Quake Server Explorer The Ultimate Internet
- | Quake Launcher! This is the Quake Server
- | Explorer. It's funct include: . * Getting on
- | the internet and downloadin . most current
- | server list available. .
- | http://citrix.progress.com/servers.htm . Used
- | with permission of ][ronman. . * Checking the
- | server to see if it is up . * Launching Quake
- | for Deathmatch play.
- QUAKEFAQ.ZIP 21144 06-28-96 Quake - FAQ v0.5 The Unofficial Quake FAQ
- | Revision 0.5 06/26/96 The first MAJOR
- | revision... getting close to 1.0 Written by
- | Nicolas Bougaieff a.k.a. Demerzel
- QUAKEM22.ZIP 292246 07-14-96 Quake: - Animation Viewer and Texture editor
- | for MDL files v2.2, compatible with QTest,
- | Quake SW 0.91/0.92 Windows 95, Windows NT
- | 3.51 and Windows NT 4. (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- QUAKENM.ZIP 26443 07-14-96 Quake: - Quake Nightmare
- QUAKETTF.ZIP 11508 06-28-96 Quake - TTF Fonts
- QUAKEX11.ZIP 22155 07-06-96 QUAKEX 1.1 editor id Software's Quake .PAK
- | file extractor/viewe QUAKEX can list contents
- | and extract files from the .PAK archives of
- | QUAKE, the last game from id Software, inc.
- | It works on the shareware version, although
- | it may work in th registered version.
- | Freeware. Source code in C included.
- QUAKE_T.ZIP 238238 06-28-96 Quake - Linux Testversion 1a
- QUAKE_T1.ZIP 1162777 07-14-96 Quake theme for win 95 with sound and icons
- | by Andylad (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- QUAKE_TH.ZIP 1019142 06-30-96 Quake: - Windows 95-Plus Theme
- QUAKINST.ZIP 14441 07-02-96 Quake OS/2 Warp WorkPlace Shell installation
- | script.
- QUDPROXY.ZIP 3998 07-14-96 This is a Quake UDP server proxy, based on
- | the ipx->udp proxy that was floating around.
- | It works on Linux 2.0.0, Solaris 2.5, SunOS
- | 4.1.3_U1 and probably any other recent UNIX.
- | (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- QVIEW010.ZIP 12685 06-30-96 Mr. Skibone's QuakeView v0.10 Views some of
- | the graphics in the Quake shareware v0.91 PAK
- | file. Admire the artwork - Have a blast!
- | Programmed by DJ SKI
- Q_CHEAT.ZIP 1199 05-13-96 Quake Deathmatch Test: - cheats
- SWUNPACK.ZIP 9641 06-30-96 Quake: - Quake Shareware Unpacker
- TELEXB.ZIP 70548 07-14-96 Quake: - Tele-X! A fun Quake sw deathmatch
- | level from scratch. Based on a great DOOM
- | deathmatch level, Telecross. And IMO, it's
- | very close. Enjoy! (- TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- WAD2TOOL.ZIP 21123 07-14-96 Quake: - Wad2Tool Beta v0.8 Copyright (C)
- | Richard Felker Wad2Tool is a program designed
- | to manipulate files, which contain the
- | textures for Quake MAP leve This version is
- | only a beta, so it is missing a fe features,
- | but it is usable. I will include source with
- | the real version.
- WANFU.ZIP 103765 07-14-96 Quake: - Wan-Fu Player Texture for Quake (-
- | TGM-UtiL v0.660 -)
- XPAK040.ZIP 29885 07-14-96 Quake: - # XPak v0.4.0; 96/07/01. (c) Tom
- | Wheeley; <splitbung> XPAK is a Quake PAK file
- | modification /extraction/creation tool. It
- | comprises: List Lists contents of the .PAK
- | file direc Extract Extracts specified lumps
- | to the direc tree Add Adds/Updates a lump to
- | a PAK file Remove Removes a lump from a PAK
- | file Rename Rename lump in PAK file
- ZSCOPE.ZIP 2766 07-14-96 Quake: - new script called qscope.scr .
- | set zoom to max * [ set zoom to min
- | set zoom closer * ; set zoom farther
- | mouse2 or s use zoom * center_shot centers
- | your shot * normal_shot sets shot to norm